Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our Busy Life!

Sorry we haven't posted for a while. Our Thanksgiving was great. My family came down to Cedar and we had a lot of fun. I had to work the dreaded Black Friday. It wasn't too bad. I saw my new favorite movie, Twilight. I just loved it. I wish it could've been like five hours long! It was amazing. I even got the same feeling I did when I was reading it. Joe kept laughing at me because the whole movie I had a huge smile on my face. I love corny romantic movies! Anyway... this week has been extremely hectic. I feel like I have spent every night at the library. Joe had a presentation due today and a paper due Monday. I hate to say it, but I am glad he dragged me to the library every night. I have been able to get a lot of homework done that would've just been put off to the very last minute! I can't wait until Saturday the 13th. Our lives will be a lot calmer!


Casie said...

Good for you hosting Thanksgiving! I can't seem to get people to come to our house for Thanksgiving yet, so I wait, but really don't mind avoiding that stress. Anyway, you have been busy! I hope the last few weeks of the semester go by fast and without a glitch!

Susan and Dave said...

I'm glad it's almost over for you! We had to spend thanksgiving away from our family and it was very weird but I'm glad yours came to your house! That's so fun. How are you guys doing? How much more school do you both have? Lemme know!


Jordan and Mandy said...

Did you know that the Ward has a blog? I just found out about it and they are adding more people to it. If you want to join their list you just leave a comment on their page. anyways i just thought i would let you know!
Good luck with finals!

Susan and Dave said...

That's awesome that you're almost done! What will you be teaching and what grade level? I think you're going to be a great teacher. There are lots of things I don't feel old enough to be doing so I understand what you mean. Sam is super cute but today he's been on one. More like I can't handle his chipperness today: ) We keep joking that our baby is going to be red-headed, freckled and pale. We both have no color, when Dave grows his beard out it's fire red, and I've got red in my hair and I have freckles (that have diminished with age). So we're excited. If it's a girl I imagine that she'll have curly hair because Dave's is ultra curly. Can you imagine? A red-headed curly haired girl? Super cute! I am currently taking some time off from school because of the whole baby thing - which is kind of frustrating because I only have a year left. But I want to finish it - even if that means waiting until kids are a little older. It's just our time to start our family, so I trust it will all work out somehow!