Monday, August 9, 2010

3 Months!!!

Today Claire is 3 months old! Wow... time flies!!! I have been horrible about taking time to journal or blog about the last 3 months so I'm going to do one big long post! Yay, you get to read it! :-)
  • Claire is such a good little baby. I don't have to hold her when she sleeps anymore, well not all of the time anyway... I'll admit, I love to just sit and hold her when she sleeps, but it makes it hard for me to get things done. She is still sleeping in a bassinet. She's getting too big for it, but we like her to sleep in it because things in our lives are a little hectic right now. We're staying at my parents house and Joe's parents' house, so with the bassinet we can take it with us and she can at least have that consistency. She sleeps through the night occasionally, but will sometimes wake up once or twice a night. Depends on what time she finally gets to bed.
  • She spits like crazy. She's always drooling, spitting, and blowing bubbles.
  • She is starting to be more interactive. She is grabbing my hair, and tries to grab the logos on Joe's shirts.
  • She has giggled a few times but is always smiling.
  • She is talking more and more every day.
  • Claire has the cutest pouty face. Her bottom lip sticks out so far and you just have to laugh.
  • Claire has seven extremely long hairs on her head that blow in the wind.
  • She loves to sit up and has been holding her head up very well for quite a while now. She's extremely strong and great at pulling herself up.
  • Claire is starting to like baths more.
  • She wears 1-2 diapers.
  • She's rolled over twice. ( She was just super hungry and arching her back so much she just happened to roll over.)
  • She loves to sleep on her tummy, which is a little nerve racking for mom.
  • Claire loves when Joe squeezes her cheeks and says in a deep voice, "These are my chubby cheeks," 3x.
  • She loves her soothie binky. We have tried to switch to a cuter binky and she just isn't having it.
  • She fights like crazy when she's exhausted but doesn't want to go to sleep.
  • She loves to suck on her hand, all the time! Hopefully it doesn't turn into thumb sucking.
  • She has one cry that is just a whine. It's pretty cute.
  • Her right kidney isn't functioning but the left is doing the work it needs to. He left kidney has a little bit of reflux which should clear itself eventually. She is on an antibiotic to prevent UTIs. She absolutely hates it so we have to mix it with a little bit of milk to get her to keep it down. This is how she has learned to spit. Between her antibiotic and medicine for acid reflux, she can spit out her medicine as soon as you put it in her mouth.
  • She loves to rub blankets or burp cloths.

Watching T.V. with Daddy, in Cedar.
6/15/10 - one month

June 15, 2010 - In Cedar
one month

Watching the 4th of July Parade
Almost 2 months

Playing with Daddy!

Hangin with Mama!

Cute Smiles! - 3 months


Whit said...

She is adorable!!!!!!

Tahnie said...

she is such a doll! Glad you guys are having so much fun with her and that she is healthy! Hope you are doing good, you look great!!!

Lyndsay Fait said...

FINALLY an update!! Claire is such an adorable baby. I am so glad Mallory and Claire are close in age. They are going to be pals. Sorry to say she is definetly a Fait- those genes run strong I guess! I am still waiting for one of my kids to look like me! Love ya

Trey said...

We miss you guys. Claire looks amazing, can't wait til you get a chance to bring her out to Hershey.