Wednesday, July 15, 2009


For those of you who don't know.... I had to have surgery last Monday, July 6th. I had two cysts on my fallopian tube. I went to the doctor because of some cramps and left there rushing into surgery. The doctor was able to drain them and he assures me they won't be back. It was quite the day. I've never had surgery so I was terrified but was so blessed to have Joe by my side to calm me and help me get through it. I am doing better now. My incisions are sore and I'm not up to full strength, but I'm making it through. Last week was quite eventful and I couldn't have made it through without my amazing husband, and our families. Thanks for all the prayers. Luckily, we leave for California on Friday which just happened to be perfect timing! We need a little getaway! Love you all!


Anonymous said...

have so much fun!! It was busy but not too bad. make SURE you go on Toy Story Mania... it seriously is THE BEST!!!!!!!

Shanley said...

I'm glad you are okay, and I'm really glad that you are going to get away for awhile. Have fun!

Brent and Anne said...

I had no idea you had surgery! Hope you are feeling better! :) Have fun in Cali!

Casie said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I'm glad they found it though and were able to take care of it now. I hope you have a great get away - you deserve it!!!

Mel said...

Yikes! Glad you got them taken care of so quickly!

Chalise said...

I had no idea you had surgery. I'm glad your feeling better. Let me know if I can do anything for you.

Analee said...

Karli, how are you feeling? I'm so sorry to hear about your surgery, no fun, but I'm glad you're okay!

Tyann said...

Wow, Karli, so glad to hear you're alright! Surgery can be scary, but I'm glad Joe was there with you. Since I never see you at church anymore, just thought I would say hi and see how you are. Still in the YW? Hope you're doing well!