Monday, April 20, 2009

Valentines Day Cont...

With my laptop getting a virus I wasn't able to post the pics of what I did for Joe on Valentines Day. I'm only posting these because I've had some requests! I decorated our room with 214 hearts and most of them were written on! Got the idea from my good friend Lew! Here goes..


Talia Draper said...

Hey Karli! Just wanted to let you know that we made our blog private recently. I would love to have you still follow our blog if you want. Just send me your e-mail address and I'll get you added to the list of authorized people.

Hope you are doing well!

Tyann said...

Karli, I found your blog off of Mandy's. You are such a pretty lady! And how sweet of you to do the hearts for Joe. How's life? I haven't seen you in a long time. By the way, 22 isn't old!!! :) Wait till you hit 30!