We took C to her first Utah game on the 2nd. It was the PITT game so it was extremely loud and we didn't bring ear plugs. She was not a happy camper. We finally got some from Guest Services, but they were adult size. Even after ripping them in half they still didn't fit. She wasn't too thrilled with the game and we spent a little time walking around outside of the game to calm her down.
We took her to her second game on the 11th. This time we were prepared with earplugs, but not with sunscreen. She got her little face and head a little burned, but not too bad. She liked this game a lot more! She was such a good girl! She watched the game, and even cheered a little. This time we had her all decked out in her Utah Cheerleader get-up. However, we forgot her bow, and people kept calling her a boy! lol Even though she was in a dress, she still got called a boy. Oh well... Next time, we won't forget the bow! The cute outfit was given by some family! THANKS GUYS!!! She looks so cute in it!
And of course the UTES won both games!!! GO UTES!!!