Saturday, November 12, 2011

Claire - 18 Months

So Claire is 18 months now. Man, where did the time go? She is a blast! She is talking like crazy and she is tons of fun. I have a few videos and tons of pictures. But don't worry, I'm not going to post them all. Here is a brief update of Claire now.

Loves her milk!
She knows more about phones than we do!
At the game, sitting with "Maga" (Grandma)

Gardner Village With the Cousins.

Always wants the "Cheese"

Mama & Claire with the Witch

Daddy & C with the Witch

C with Lani
So cute! Older cousins taking care of Baby Claire!

Gardner Village

Wondering about the Utah gear? We went to a Utah game that night!

Our little Fam

I thought she was going to jump in the water!

She loves to be outside.

Watching the neighbor boys play catch

Joe does this face ALL THE TIME!

Our little Lady Bug watching for Trick-or-Treaters

Joe, busy carving.

Claire with her "Munkeen"

Mama & C getting ready to carve

Trick-or-Treating for the first time. She doesn't quite know how to feel about it.

Just chillin with cousin Mal


Loves Yo Gabba Gabba

ClaireI know that was a picture overload, but it has been almost a year since I've posted a real update. These pictures were all from the last month or so. I'm going to try to update more often, but no promises. I'm ending with a couple videos of Claire. Enjoy!

Halloween Night after Trick-or-Treating

Eating Some Spaghetti

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Post

We finally got the internet so I will be able to update now! However, I don't have enough time tonight. The main picture of our blog is just a teaser of the pictures of our super cute Claire! To be continued...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It was so fun to have a baby this Christmas. I loved buying her little toys when all she loved were the boxes. She is so dang cute and just melts my heart. Here are some pics of her first Christmas.

Her new rocking horse. She didn't think she had to hold on.

This is her making her new sound that she loves to make!

In her Christmas jammies pulling Grandpa's hair.

Six Month Pics

We had our friend Talia Draper take some six month pictures of Claire back in November. Talia did an awesome job and they turned out SOOOO GOOD! We had to wait to post them because we were using them in some Christmas gifts and didn't want people to see them. Claire is such a cheeser so it was a fun experience to have her pictures taken. I just love these pictures. Claire is just too dang cute! Here are a few!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Where'd the time go?

It has been so long since I have posted so be prepared for picture overload! Claire has gotten so big and she is so much fun! She is now six months old! I can't believe it has been six months since this beautiful little girl came into our lives! At her six month check up, she weighed 16 lbs 2 oz, 26.25 in long. She is very tall for her age, but skinny for her height. If you've seen her thighs, you wouldn't believe that she is skinny, but the doctor even said that she is skinny. She is sitting up on her own. She'll sit forever, she has such a strong core. She'll even stand if you hold her hands and I'm just waiting for the day she'll just start running. She does a funny little crawl where she uses her head on the ground to push her body where she wants it to go, but she gets to where she needs to. She is a chatterbox (just like her mama!). Claire loves food. Her favorites are pears, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes, squash, oatmeal, peas, strawberry yogurt. Her dislikes are the baby meats. Let's be honest, they look nasty, they smell nasty. How can we even make her eat them! Her face is so funny when she eats. She is starting to have so much personality. Claire still wants to be held all the time. It makes it quite hard in the mornings when Joe is already at work and I'm getting ready for work. Claire comes with me to work every day which is such a blessing. I'm so glad I get to spend all day every day with her. I put her in the snugli and away we go. She will be a professional trophy builder by the time she's 1! Luckily, I have lots of family there to help me with her. She even gets to a ride in the snugli by her aunt Jenna sometimes. Anyway... Bring on the pics!
4 months old....
On the Heber Creeper in September
5 months old....
Gardner Village Witches

With the Cousins at Gardner Village

So pretty!

This is the face she pulls when she is playing with her toys! I LOVE it!

The cutest elephant I've ever seen. She doesn't look too thrilled, but she loved it.

Cold & Rainy Halloween

Six Months...

Sitting up on her own! She's a cheeser!

Big Girl!

So cute!

How can you not LOVE this face!!! Just melts my heart!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Newest Little Ute Fan!

We took C to her first Utah game on the 2nd. It was the PITT game so it was extremely loud and we didn't bring ear plugs. She was not a happy camper. We finally got some from Guest Services, but they were adult size. Even after ripping them in half they still didn't fit. She wasn't too thrilled with the game and we spent a little time walking around outside of the game to calm her down.

I love her little pose in this picture!

We took her to her second game on the 11th. This time we were prepared with earplugs, but not with sunscreen. She got her little face and head a little burned, but not too bad. She liked this game a lot more! She was such a good girl! She watched the game, and even cheered a little. This time we had her all decked out in her Utah Cheerleader get-up. However, we forgot her bow, and people kept calling her a boy! lol Even though she was in a dress, she still got called a boy. Oh well... Next time, we won't forget the bow! The cute outfit was given by some family! THANKS GUYS!!! She looks so cute in it!

And of course the UTES won both games!!! GO UTES!!!